Misc Utils

The MiscUtils class provides a collection of utility functions that are useful for various operations such as hashing, padding hex strings, reading binary data, and converting floats to the XRP Ledger's fixed-point representation.

Generating a Hash

The generateHash function creates a SHA-512 hash of the input data and returns the first 32 bytes as a hex string.

import { createHash } from 'crypto'

export function generateHash(dataBytes: Buffer) {
  const hash = createHash('sha512').update(dataBytes).digest()
  return hash.slice(0, 32).toString('hex').toUpperCase()

Padding a Hex String

The padHexString function pads a hex string with leading zeros to reach a target length.

export function padHexString(input: string, targetLength = 64): string {
  const paddedString = '0'.repeat(targetLength - input.length) + input
  return paddedString

Reading Hook Binary Hex from Namespace

The readHookBinaryHexFromNS function reads a WebAssembly binary file from the specified namespace and returns its content as an uppercase hex string.

import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'

export function readHookBinaryHexFromNS(filename: string): string {
  const buildPath = process.cwd() + '/' + 'build'
  const wasm = fs.readFileSync(
    path.resolve(__dirname, `${buildPath}/${filename}.wasm`)
  return wasm.toString(`hex`).toUpperCase()

Generating a Namespace Hex

The hexNamespace function generates a SHA-256 hash of the provided namespace seed and returns it as an uppercase hex string.

import { SHA256 } from 'crypto-js'

export function hexNamespace(hookNamespaceSeed: string): string {
  return SHA256(hookNamespaceSeed).toString().toUpperCase()

Converting Float to LE XFL

The floatToLEXfl function converts a floating-point number represented as a string to the XRP Ledger's fixed-point representation, known as little endian XFL.

export function floatToLEXfl(fl: string): string {
  const xfl = floatToXfl(fl)
  return flipBeLe(xfl as bigint)

These utility functions are essential for developers working with the XRP Ledger, as they facilitate the manipulation and transformation of data in a format that is compatible with XRPL standards.

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